Transform Your Life with Spiritual Support
Stuckness is the result of lack of external support. Let’s break that.
The main interest of my work is not concerned with the treatment of neuroses but rather with the approach to the numinous.
But the fact that the approach to the numinous is the real therapy, and inasmuch as you attain to the numinous experience you are released from the curse of pathology.
What People Say
Ways to Work Together
1:1 Energy Healing
Duration: 60 mins Fee: $180.00 USD
Duration: 30 mins Fee: $100.00 USD
What to expect:
Sessions by phone or video
Can be standalone or supplement deeper therapy sessions
20mins Complimentary call to determine if we are a good fit
Best for those:
Feeling stuck in certain aspects of life and is open to receiving spiritual guidance and energetic healing
Seeking brief but transformative support without deep integrative work
Developing personal practices to invite support from the spiritual realm
1:1 Spiritual Direction
Duration: 60 mins
Fee: $180.00 USD
What to expect:
Sessions by video
Connect, deepen spiritual practice, and experience inner transformation
20mins Complimentary call to determine if we are a good fit
Best for those:
On a deep path or facing challenging spiritual/psychedelic experiences
Interested in meeting inner aspects of themselves to resolve inner and outer conflicts, unpacking dreams, symbols, recurring themes, and generational patterns
Aiming to cultivate self-reflection and embodied spiritual practices, with a coach who holds them as equal
*Coaching packages, customized cadences, bulk pay discounts are available. Please reach out, and we’ll work together to find the way I can best support you.
Despite being a trained psychotherapist, I work under the guidance of Spirit/High Self for all my spiritual work.
The best way I can describe this work is that, while counseling (or psychotherapy) operates on both conscious and subconscious levels, spiritual work connects with the collective consciousness. Many of my clients, even if they can’t fully explain why, often feel immediate relief after a healing session. Some report positive shifts in their lives—difficult situations resolve on their own, supportive people appear, or they gain sudden inspiration to overcome obstacles.
I have no doubt that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and we are always co-creating our lives with Spirit. Those on the other side are eager to help - “Ask, you shall receive”.
Sometimes language has its limit. If you'd like to learn more, you can book a free complimentary call and I can show you how it works.
An energy healing session with me focuses on releasing stuck energy and limiting programs from the past that have held you back from what you wish to create in life. This process offers powerful clearing and in-depth modification of the energetic roots of different aspects of your life: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.
It uses Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) and other energy healing processes (Family Constellations, Reiki, etc.) to meticulously identify and clear the subconscious programs and soul records that block and limit your full expression in life.
My work emphasizes the mind-body connection and I have a deep trust in the natural healing power and wisdom within you.
My role is to support you to connect with your inner wisdom and teach you how to utilize it, so that you can move every ebb and flow life presents with ease.
Most traditional therapy focuses on reframing our "thinking”, “understanding” our pain or behaviors, or “discovering” the root source. However, that strategy keeps us in our head, our frontal cortex, or our conscious mind. In my private practice, I will teach you the tools, skills, and strategies to shift into the parts of your brain and body that actually learned the negative patterns and beliefs, and stored any trauma that you just can’t seem to shake.
My studies and training include depth psychology, somatic-based trauma healing (Somatic Internal Family System, Hakomi, EMDR), mindfulness, shamanism, multiple styles of yoga, breathwork, plant medicine, meditation, and spiritual divination (Spiritual Response Therapy, Reiki).
Rather than just treating symptoms, I see you as a whole person on a spiritual journey.
Spirituality for me mean the belief that “I am a spiritual being having a human experience“ and an inner knowing that there is a connection beyond the material world. The connection might be to God, a higher power, a universal energy, our ancestors, the sacred, mother nature, or to law of physics. Whatever you call this connection, it’s a meaningful connection with something bigger than yourself and brings you meaning, purpose and awe to life.
No, due to State regulation.
If you have your own psychedelic practice and wants to deepen this work, I am happy to ground your energy and be your guide.
If you are interested in a psychedelic retreat but feel nervous, I am happy to help you get ready.
I am NOT a psychic.
I believe "the future" does not exist, not by default. There are many possible futures to choose from, and that's determined by how we live and experiment in the present moment. We have the tendency to repeat patterns, to be mechanical, trapped between the past (fear) and the future (anxiety).
I hope I can help you to reflect on those tendencies, be aware of your own creations, and make the changes needed so that you can create your future from your heart.